Fill in all the company details, upload the trade license copy, select a plan of your choice and submit. Once submitted, our sales representative will visit your office to showcase a brief demo on services and he/she will verify the documents before activating your the account.

Business entities and companies related to MEP and Civil work and having a valid trade license in UAE can become a member.

Yes, uploading trade license copy is mandatory while registration.

You could add the documents which are relevant to enhance your business such trade license, certificates, affiliations, project related documents etc.

Once a bid is place you can’t change. But with the extended bid date, you will get a chance to bid again till the last date of bid.

Extension of bid is only possible if the user who has created bid approves the suppliers request for extension.

Only the user who has created the bid can extend it and suppliers can only request for the extension but approving or rejecting such request is at the discretion of bid creator.

Any supportive documents that helps to describe your item. Eg it can be specification details, drawing or design details.

There is no restriction on uploading documents, each doc should provide precised information on the required items in the process of bidding.

Currently, there is no restriction on attaching the number of documents against each item in the enquiry, provided they are related to the item or project.

Our sales representative will be in touch for the payment and it can be made to us in the form of Cheque, cash or online bank transfer to our account.

Sorry, you will not be able to know price bidded by others

No, you will not be able to know the order has been placed and for what amount.

While creating the enquiry,the user will set the required specifications for the items and request all the suppliers to abide by those specifications. While bidding if the supplier abides with those specification he needs to set the compliance flag YES otherwise NO.

Any time you can upgrade your plan as per your requirement but downgrading your current plan is not possible.

You can attach files like Microsoft excel, word, images, pdf and autocad files (extension: DWG, DXF,DWF)

My Deal is a advertisement service offered only to the members of Bidtotrade.com. Here members can post the details of the items,products or services, which they want to offer for any discounted price or so. Example: As a contractor, you may have few items remaining after completion of the projects and you want to sell, so you create MY Deal with all the required details and information and the interested members will contact you.

If you are a supplier (trader/manufacturer) and wish to supply any of your products for discounted price or with some added services, you can create your MY Deal and interested members will contact you.

We will charge certain fees for posting your deals in our website. For information you can contact us on service@bidtotrade.com or call us on……

Only the items,and services related to MEP and Civil works .

Contact Address

N.M Global Consultancy FZE
Ras Al Khaimah,
P.O.Box 56094,

Customer service

Call: +971 54 3552682
Sat-Thur 8:00 am to 6:00 pm
Fri: 8:00 am to 12:00 pm

Email: service@bidtotrade.com